All those modules are tested and compatible with the latest versions of PrestaShop 1.7.x. If you find other useful modules, include them in the comments. Here is our 2019 top 10 free PrestaShop modules list.
1. PrestaShop Cleaner module

This is little known and used free native PrestaShop module, but it is very useful. It quickly erase all your products, orders, customers and can check your database for integrity errors and problems and also clean it. You should use check and clean options regularly to keep your PrestaShop database in condition. You can find the module in your PrestaShop back office – module catalog.
2. PrestaShop Database Optimization module

Another database clean and optimization module, but this one provide unique function to clean all your unwanted carts, Connection informations, Guests and others, those are mainly connected to stats and can quickly stack a lot of information there and slow your database. You can find the module here
3. Official PrestaShop GDPR Compliance module

Privacy is serious topic in 2019 and if you plan to sell in Europe, GDPR law requirements must be met. Luckily the Official PrestaShop GDPR compliance module is free for PrestaShop 1.7.x (altho it is payed for version below 1.7.x). You can find the module in your PrestaShop back office – module catalog.
4. Legal Compliance PrestaShop module

Another mandatory module if you wish to sell in Europe and together with GDPR module you will accomplish the European legal compliance required. Above all this module is more about how are prices displayed, taxes, fees, terms of use and other similar. You can find the module in your PrestaShop back office – module catalog.
5. Official PrestaShop Google Analytics module

When it comes to statistics there is no one better then Google Analytics, and above all the official PrestaShop Google analytics module is free and you should use it, in fact we recommend that you disable all the native PrestaShop statistics modules and leave only Google Analytics, this will greatly speed up your website loading times and save you valuable space. You can find the module in your PrestaShop back office – module catalog.
6. Official PayPal PrestaShop module

When it comes to accepting payments over the internet, PayPal is one of the most popular way to pay and accept payments. We strongly recommend that you are accepting PayPal payments as it can increase your conversions and provide trust and comfort to your customers. You can download the module here and you can also read our article on “How to setup and receive PayPal payments in PrestaShop 1.7.x”
7. HTML content Box

Ever wanted to include custom elements on your store? Now you can with this free HTML Content module. You can create custom sliders, banners, parallax effects and anything else you can think of. The best part is, the author includes an easy module generation so you can name it, and create infinite instances of the same module and works with all PrestaShop hooks.
You can find the module here
8. PrestaShop Ei Captcha module

Are you tired of bot spammers that contact you on your contact form? This module will help you out. PrestaShop Ei Captcha module will integrate Google Captcha on your contact page and it will require users to verify that they are humans before they contact you.
You can find the module here
9. Official PrestaShop Facebook Pixel module

PrestaShop Facebook pixel module is a code that you place in your store website and it will collects data that can help you track your Facebook ads, conversions, and help you build an targeted audiences for future ads and re-marketing. If you do any kind of ads on Facebook this is highly recommended module and the bast part is, its free. You can find the module in your PrestaShop back office – module catalog.
UPDATE: Apparently PrestaShop decided to make this module payed for 50 euro now… shame…
UPDATE 2: I found the older free version of the module here, you can download it, but how long it will work i have no idea.
10. PrestaShop Facebook Live Chat Module

With PrestaShop Facebook live chat module, you can provide your customers with easy way to contact you when they have questions. Furthermore statistic shows that support chat help you build trust and security and provides comfort to your customers which in turn increase your conversions. You can find the module here
This are ours top 10 FREE PrestaShop modules, i hope you find them useful!
Official PrestaShop Facebook Pixel is not free. Price 49.99 €
Where I can download for free?
PrestaShop decided to make it payed module… unfortunately… i have updated the article with link to the older free version of the module.
Thanks! I Try it to use older version!
It is still working?
Thanks for sharing the list! Very useful
Thanks a lot, still work the old version, i was ready to pay for the pay version, was searched a lot of sites and a lot of methods, but nothing, again thanks a lot
Thanks, I’m glad its working still 🙂
Great blog, that helped a lot
Hi Great post, thanks !
I’m looking for elementor. Do you know if there is a free version or an alternative ?
I very much appreciate it. Thank you for this excellent article. Keep posting!
There is a re-branded version of Prestashop 1.6 with loads of free modules compared to PS1.7 – including Facebook Pixel Module mentioned above. Readers might have heard of it already because it is on a couple of the software installers – Softaculous and Installatron or maybe it’s Softaculous and Fantastico, but anyway your host might allow you to install a test site with one or two clicks. It is called Thirtybees.
Another favourite module that works with both Prestashop and Thirtybees is Prestoolsuite on . It’s a freemium program that installs in the same folder as your back office and lets you read your stock data and look at your photos in a different way than the back office. You can see a lot of photos side by side for example.
Stripe payments is a great alternative to Paypal. The only known catch is that you cannot refund more than you first charged, so if (like me) you sometimes mess-up and want to pay the customer return postage, then you have to find another way.