How to remove “Powered by PrestaShop” in your e-mail templates

I have to admit “Powered by PrestaShop” on every e-mail that you send or receive from your store its quite annoying. Today i will show you how to remove or change it if you want.

First thing to remember PrestaShop e-mail templates are located in your “root” folder of your PrestaShop store. Following it is in folder called “mails” – > “en” for English language. If you have more then one language there will be language code folder for each language.

Note: Please backup the entire “mails” folder in case something go wrong.

Above all, the best and easiest way to do this fast is if you are using Microsoft VSC or Notepad++ and open the entire mail folder there. But even if you are using just regular notepad from Windows its fine, but you will have to edit every file separately.

Here is the code that you want to remove in TXT e-mail templates:

powered by PrestaShop(tm) []

And this is the code for HTML e-mail templates:

powered by <a href="" style="color:#337ff1">PrestaShop™</a></span>

Now, all you need to do is “Search and Replace” for each type. In the search field you copy the code from here. Leave the replace field empty if you just want to remove it.

Furthermore you can edit and customize the templates the same way too. You can add your custom links or text. Instead of “Powered by PrestaShop” you can do “Developed by Your company” or similar. However, keep in mind that if you are editing the templates of the “classic” theme, if you upgrade all your changes may disappear if you don’t use the option keep custom e-mail templates during the upgrade. Of course you can always backup the mail folder before you are upgrading you PrestaShop store.

This is the end result:


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